(303) 449-3239
Service Area: Boulder & Surrounding Areas
When the exterior of your house looks more shabby than chic, and your paint no longer holds its luster and color, it's time to call in a professional painting company .
By using the following suggestions, your exterior paint will perform better, go farther, and your painters will finish sooner.
The more prepped and ready your house is, the better!
Inspect Your House and Do a Full Assessment of What Needs to Be Done
Before you call the painters, assess the current exterior house paint to determine what needs a refresh. Check the following areas for peeling, rot, or need for repair:
Take note of what needs repairing or a facelift. Have any repairs scheduled and completed well before the painters arrive. Scheduling issues can occur if you book them too close together, especially when working with the weather. Then, make a list of what requires painting and request a quote.
Clean the Entire Exterior of Your Home
Once all repairs are complete and within the week before your exterior paint job, wash away debris from gutters, dirt from trim, doors, and siding, and remove any decorations and lights. While it may be tempting to use a pressure washer to expedite the process, it may cause damage to the exterior surfaces of your house, which would need repair beforehand and could cause delays.
Instead, use a garden hose with a spray attachment. Ensure that you have allowed enough time for the surfaces to dry; otherwise, materials such as wood will be too saturated to absorb the
exterior house paint
, causing it to peel.
Scrape and Sand Away Loose Paint
Loose, peeling paint must be scraped and sanded before, but the extra elbow grease is well worth it.
If you were to leave it in place and paint over the top, it would continue to peel. As a result, your exterior paint will not stick to the surface, making it less durable and leaving the surface unprotected from the elements. In addition, you will have to pay for the painters to return for touch-ups, costing more in labor and materials.
Caulk Gaps and Patch Holes
The same goes for gaps and holes in the siding or trims of the home. Use only the appropriate exterior products for the surface type caulk and patch holes, cracks, or gouges in stucco, wood, or metal surfaces.
By prepping these areas, you avoid using more paint and adequately protect the surface from sun damage, pests, rot, and exposure to water.
Trim and Cover Landscaping Around the House
Landscaping and vegetation are a beautiful component of your yard; however, they hinder your painters and make it difficult to get adequate paint coverage. In addition, some products are harsh on plant life and can cause damage.
Your painters will be more efficient and safer if you trim back large shrubs and trees from the siding, cover them for protection and create clear access.
No one wants any falls from ladders or accidents with falling paint cans!
Hire Professional Painters With Exterior Painting Experience
Painting exteriors comes with unique challenges like awkward heights and angles and needed equipment. So, when you hire Jacobsen Brothers Painting, you are getting the best exterior painting company in Boulder, Colorado, using only top-quality exterior paint and products.
Book your complimentary estimate today
or by calling 303-449-3239!
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Call/Text Josh: (720) 951-0123
Service Area
Boulder & Surrounding Areas
990 Poplar Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80304, United States